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taco bell quesadilla calories

taco bell quesadilla calories

Taco Bell quesadilla is a favorite fast food item for many people. It is delicious, filling, and affordable. However, if you are watching your weight or monitoring your calorie intake, you may be wondering how many calories are in a Taco Bell quesadilla. Knowing this information can help you make informed decisions when choosing what to eat.

A regular chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell contains 500 calories, while the beef and steak quesadillas contain 520 and 540 calories respectively. This calorie count may vary depending on the choice of toppings and sauces used.

It is important to monitor your calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight and avoid health problems such as heart diseases and type 2 diabetes. Knowing the calorie count of fast foods like Taco Bell quesadillas can help you plan your meals accordingly to balance your daily calorie intake.

However, Taco Bell quesadillas are not necessarily "unhealthy". They can be part of a balanced diet if eaten in moderation and paired with healthier choices like a side salad or grilled vegetables.

In conclusion, knowing the calorie count of a Taco Bell quesadilla can help you make informed decisions about your meals. It can help you balance your calorie intake and maintain a healthy weight. Remember that moderation and healthy choices are the keys to a balanced diet.

What is a Taco Bell Quesadilla?

Before diving into the calorie content of a Taco Bell quesadilla, let's first discuss what it actually is. A quesadilla is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with cheese and other ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, or beans. Taco Bell, however, has put their own spin on the dish, offering a variety of quesadilla options that include chicken, steak, and even an option made with black beans instead of meat.

The Taco Bell quesadilla also includes a creamy jalapeño sauce, which can be the perfect accompaniment for anyone looking for a bit of a spicy kick. The cheesy filling of the quesadilla is grilled to perfection, making it a popular menu item among those who just can't seem to resist a warm, gooey sandwich.

Now that we have a better understanding of what a Taco Bell quesadilla is, let's take a look at how many calories are in this fan-favorite menu item.

How Many Calories Are in a Taco Bell Quesadilla?

The number of calories in a Taco Bell quesadilla can vary depending on the type of quesadilla you order. The standard chicken quesadilla, for example, contains 510 calories. This may seem like a lot, but it's important to keep in mind that the quesadilla also provides a significant amount of protein, with 27 grams per serving. So, depending on your individual dietary needs and goals, the chicken quesadilla may be a great option for you.

The seasoned beef quesadilla, on the other hand, contains slightly more calories, coming in at around 620 per serving. The steak quesadilla boasts an even higher calorie count, with 670 calories per serving.

For those who are looking for a vegetarian option, the black bean quesadilla is an excellent choice. This quesadilla contains 520 calories per serving, making it a great option for anyone who wants to indulge in a cheesy, filling meal without consuming too many calories.


While the number of calories in a Taco Bell quesadilla may seem daunting at first glance, it's important to remember that this dish can also provide a significant amount of protein and other nutrients. By choosing a quesadilla made with chicken or black beans, you can indulge in a flavorful, filling meal without going completely off your healthy eating plan.

As with any fast food restaurant, it's important to pay attention to portion sizes and to balance your meal with plenty of fruits and vegetables. By doing so, you can still enjoy a Taco Bell quesadilla from time to time while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What is a Taco Bell quesadilla?

A Taco Bell quesadilla is a popular menu item at the fast food restaurant chain Taco Bell. It is made with a soft tortilla flatbread filled with a blend of melted cheese and savory ingredients such as seasoned chicken, beef, or vegetables. The quesadilla is then folded in half and grilled until crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside. It is commonly topped with a creamy jalapeño sauce that adds a spicy kick to the dish.

Quesadillas are a traditional Mexican dish that has been adapted by various cuisines worldwide. In the United States, Taco Bell specializes in offering its own versions of Mexican-inspired dishes, including the quesadilla.

What are the nutrition facts of a Taco Bell quesadilla?

While quesadillas are a favorite among many fast food lovers, they can be high in calories, fat, and sodium. A standard Taco Bell chicken quesadilla contains about 510 calories, 26 grams of fat, and 940 milligrams of sodium. However, Taco Bell offers a grilled chicken option that has less fat and calories than the regular chicken quesadilla.

The beef quesadilla has even more calories and fat, with about 650 calories and 39 grams of fat. The steak quesadilla is the highest in calories and fat, with a whopping 750 calories and 47 grams of fat. The vegetarian quesadilla, which is filled with beans, rice, and cheese, has about 510 calories and 24 grams of fat.

For those who are watching their salt intake, it's important to note that Taco Bell quesadillas are also high in sodium. The chicken quesadilla contains 940 milligrams of sodium, while the beef and steak quesadillas have 1,200 milligrams of sodium each. The vegetarian quesadilla has a lower sodium content, with 780 milligrams of sodium.

Are there any healthier options for Taco Bell quesadillas?

For those who are looking for a healthier option, Taco Bell offers its Power Menu Chicken Quesadilla that has 30 grams of protein and only 340 calories. This menu item is made with grilled chicken, avocado ranch sauce, tomatoes, and lettuce. It also has less fat than the regular chicken quesadilla and is a good source of protein.

Another healthy option is to opt for a fresco-style quesadilla, which replaces the creamy sauce and cheese with pico de gallo and reduced-fat sour cream. This can significantly reduce the calories, fat, and sodium content of the quesadilla.

Overall, while the Taco Bell quesadilla can be a tasty treat, it's important to keep in mind its high calorie, fat, and sodium content. By choosing healthier options or sharing a quesadilla with a friend, you can still enjoy the delicious flavors of Mexican-inspired cuisine without compromising your health.

Ingredients of a Taco Bell quesadilla

In order to make a delicious Taco Bell quesadilla, you will need a few key ingredients. The first ingredient is chicken strips, which add a hearty and savory touch to the dish. These strips are typically made of seasoned and grilled chicken that is cut into small, bite-sized pieces. The chicken strips are then layered inside the quesadilla to provide protein and flavor.Another crucial ingredient in a Taco Bell quesadilla is the three-cheese blend. This blend features a perfect combination of mozzarella, cheddar, and Monterey jack cheeses, giving the dish a rich and creamy texture. The cheese adds a gooey and savory element that binds the quesadilla together, making it even more satisfying.To add some spice and zing to the quesadilla, you will also need to include chipotle sauce. This sauce is a delicious blend of tangy and smoky flavors, which complements the chicken and cheese perfectly. The chipotle sauce has a creamy texture and a slightly spicy kick, which adds a much-needed element of heat to the dish.Lastly, to hold everything together, you will need a flour tortilla. This tortilla is soft and pliable, providing the perfect base for all of the other ingredients. When warmed up, the tortilla becomes slightly crispy on the outside, which contrasts nicely with the melted cheese and tender chicken inside.All of these ingredients are combined to create a delicious and satisfying Taco Bell quesadilla. Together, they make a perfect blend of flavors and textures that you won't be able to resist. However, if you're watching your calorie intake, it's important to pay attention to the nutrition information for this dish.

Taco Bell quesadilla calories and nutrition information

The Taco Bell quesadilla is a popular menu item, but it is also high in calories and fat. According to the official Taco Bell website, a standard chicken quesadilla contains 510 calories and 30 grams of fat. The dish also has 1080 milligrams of sodium, which is over 45% of the recommended daily intake for adults.If you're trying to reduce your calorie intake, you can modify the quesadilla by removing or reducing certain ingredients. For example, you can ask for a quesadilla with less cheese or chicken, which will reduce the overall calorie count. Alternatively, you can order a vegetarian quesadilla, which will still have plenty of flavor but will be lower in calories and fat.It's also worth noting that Taco Bell offers a range of other items on their menu that are lower in calories and fat. For example, you can opt for a crunchy taco or a black bean burrito, both of which are lower in calories than the quesadilla.Overall, while the Taco Bell quesadilla is a tasty treat, it's important to remember that it should be enjoyed in moderation. If you're watching your calorie intake, there are plenty of other options available on the menu that are lower in calories and just as tasty.


The Taco Bell quesadilla is a delicious dish that features a blend of chicken, cheese, chipotle sauce, and a flour tortilla. While it is high in calories and fat, there are ways to modify the dish to make it fit into a healthy diet. Whether you choose to indulge in the quesadilla as-is or opt for a lower-calorie alternative, there's no denying that this dish is a fan favorite at Taco Bell.

Understanding the Calorie Content of a Taco Bell Quesadilla

Taco Bell is one of the most popular fast-food chains in the world. Known for its delicious Mexican-inspired food, it's a go-to option for many people. However, it's always important to understand the nutritional information of the food you're consuming. One of Taco Bell's most loved items is their quesadilla. It's a combination of soft, warm flour tortilla filled with melted cheese and grilled chicken, all wrapped up in a crispy outer layer. The quesadilla is then served with sour cream and sauce, making it absolutely delectable.

However, consuming a quesadilla indulges your taste buds with a hefty calorie intake. A standard Taco Bell quesadilla contains 510 calories, which is almost one-fourth of the recommended daily calorie intake. So, if you're watching your weight, it's best to consume quesadillas in moderation - or on cheat days. Additionally, the nutrition facts show that the quesadilla packs in 26 grams of total fat, 50 grams of carbohydrates, and 22 grams of protein.

Understanding the Carb Content of a Taco Bell Quesadilla

Carbohydrates are one of the three most important macronutrients. They are essential for everyday energy and powering your muscles. However, the carbs in Taco Bell quesadillas come mainly from flour tortillas, which aren't exactly the healthiest option. In a standard quesadilla, 50 grams of carbohydrates might seem like a lot, but if you take into account that the meal provides almost one-third of your daily energy, it's not too bad. However, it's important to maintain a balance in your carbohydrate intake and always opt for healthier options such as whole-grain wholemeal tortillas with extra fiber.

Understanding the Protein Content of a Taco Bell Quesadilla

Protein is one of the most important macronutrients, responsible for building and repairing muscles. Quesadillas do contain a moderate amount of protein at 22 grams. However, considering that this is less than half of the recommended daily protein intake, you may want to combine the meal with other high-protein foods, such as beans, tofu, chicken, or beef.

Understanding the Fat Content of a Taco Bell Quesadilla

Quesadillas tend to be high in fat, and the ones from Taco Bell are no exception. With 26 grams of total fat, these are items you don't want to consume regularly, particularly if you're trying to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet. If you do want to consume them, you can opt to reduce the amount of fat by skipping the sour cream, cheese, and sauce. You can also try adding more vegetables and fruits to balance out the nutrition profile.

Wrap Up

Taco Bell quesadillas are some of the tastiest fast-food options available. However, they come with a high calorie, high carb, and high-fat content. Ultimately, the key is to consume these meals in moderation, particularly if you're looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don't forget to alter your meals to include healthier options to balance out the nutritional profile. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to add a little bit of Taco Bell to your diet without having to worry about the calorie overload.

How to make a Taco Bell quesadilla healthier

Taco Bell quesadillas are one of the most popular fast-food options. However, they are also loaded with calories and unhealthy ingredients that can be detrimental to your health. If you're watching your waistline, making smart choices when ordering your favorite quesadilla can make all the difference. Here are some tips on how to make a Taco Bell quesadilla healthier and guilt-free.

1. Opt for a lower-calorie protein

One of the main ingredients in a Taco Bell quesadilla is the meat filling. The standard quesadilla has seasoned chicken, which is high in calories and fat. However, you can opt for a lower-calorie protein option when ordering your quesadilla. For instance, you can order the quesadilla with grilled chicken instead of the standard seasoned chicken. This will cut down on the calories and fat in the dish, making it a healthier option for you to enjoy.

2. Ask for less cheese and sauce

Cheese and sauce are some of the main ingredients that give a quesadilla its rich and indulgent flavor. However, these two ingredients are also loaded with calories and fat that can add up quickly. If you're trying to make a Taco Bell quesadilla healthier, ask for less cheese and sauce when placing your order. This will reduce the overall calorie count and fat content of your dish, making it a healthier option for you.

3. Skip the side items

A Taco Bell quesadilla usually comes with side items such as chips and salsa or a soft drink. These side items can add extra calories and sugar to your meal, which can make it less healthy. To make your quesadilla healthier, skip the side items that come with it. Instead, opt for a side of fresh veggies or a small side salad to make your meal more nutritious and balanced.

4. Choose a whole-grain tortilla

A regular quesadilla is made with a flour tortilla, which is high in calories and devoid of nutrition. To make your Taco Bell quesadilla healthier, choose a whole-grain tortilla instead of the regular one. Whole-grain tortillas are packed with fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer, and essential nutrients that can boost your overall health.

5. Make your own quesadilla at home

If you're a fan of Taco Bell quesadillas but want to make them healthier, why not try making your own at home? You can use wholesome ingredients and control the amount of cheese and sauce you add to your dish. Making your own quesadilla can also be a fun and creative activity that allows you to experiment with different fillings and flavors.

All in all, making a Taco Bell quesadilla healthier is all about making smart choices and being mindful of what you're eating. By opting for a lower-calorie protein option, asking for less cheese and sauce, skipping the side items, choosing a whole-grain tortilla, or making your own quesadilla at home, you can enjoy this classic dish guilt-free and feel good about what you're putting in your body.

Taco Bell Quesadilla Calories: How Many Are You Eating?

When it comes to fast food, Taco Bell is a popular choice for many. Their quesadillas, in particular, are a fan favorite. But just how many calories are you consuming when you indulge in a Taco Bell quesadilla? Let's take a closer look.

The Calories in a Taco Bell Quesadilla

According to the official Taco Bell website, a Chicken Quesadilla packs in 510 calories while a Steak Quesadilla contains 520 calories. That's a pretty hefty amount, considering that the recommended daily calorie intake for the average adult is around 2000-2500 calories.

But that's not all. Add in a side of chips and guacamole, or a beverage like a soda or slushie, and your calorie count can skyrocket even higher. It's important to keep in mind that these extra items can add up quickly and contribute to weight gain.

Why Are Quesadillas So High in Calories?

While quesadillas can be a delicious meal, they can also be high in calories due to their ingredients. A flour tortilla, cheese, and meat are the main components of a quesadilla. All of these ingredients can be high in calories and fat, especially when added in large amounts. Additionally, the cooking process (for example, frying the tortilla or using a lot of oil) can also contribute to the final calorie count.

How Can You Make Your Quesadilla Healthier?

Fortunately, there are a few ways to enjoy a quesadilla while still keeping your calorie intake in check. You can try making your own quesadilla at home, using ingredients like whole-wheat tortillas, low-fat cheese, and grilled chicken or veggies. This way, you'll know exactly what goes into your meal and can control the calorie count.

If you do choose to order a quesadilla at Taco Bell, there are a few modifications you can make to lower the calorie count. For example, you can ask for no cheese or sauce, or switch out the flour tortilla for a lettuce wrap. You can also pair your meal with a lower-calorie beverage like water or unsweetened tea.


A Taco Bell quesadilla can be a satisfying treat, but it's important to be aware of its calorie content, especially if you're watching your weight or trying to eat healthier. By understanding the calorie count and making modifications to the ingredients or ordering options, you can still enjoy a quesadilla without sacrificing your health goals.

FAQ and Conclusions


1. How many calories are in a Taco Bell chicken quesadilla? A: A Chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell contains 510 calories.

2. How many carbs are in a Taco Bell quesadilla? A: A Taco Bell quesadilla contains 31 grams of carbs.

3. How much fat is in a Taco Bell quesadilla? A: A Taco Bell quesadilla contains 28 grams of fat.

4. How much protein is in a Taco Bell quesadilla? A: A Taco Bell quesadilla contains 21 grams of protein.

5. What is in a Taco Bell quesadilla? A: A Taco Bell quesadilla consists of chicken, three-cheese blend, and jalapeño sauce, grilled in a flour tortilla.

6. Are Taco Bell quesadillas vegan? A: No, Taco Bell quesadillas are not vegan due to the presence of chicken and cheese.

7. Can you order a Taco Bell quesadilla without sauce? A: Yes, you can order a Taco Bell quesadilla without sauce.

8. How much sodium is in a Taco Bell quesadilla? A: A Taco Bell chicken quesadilla has 1070mg of sodium.

9. How many Weight Watchers points is a Taco Bell quesadilla? A: A Taco Bell chicken quesadilla has 15 Weight Watcher points.

10. Is a Taco Bell quesadilla healthy? A: No, a Taco Bell quesadilla is not considered healthy due to its high levels of calories, carbs, and fat.


While Taco Bell quesadillas are popular fast food items, they are not considered healthy due to their high-calorie, fat, and sodium content. Depending on one's dietary requirements, it may be best to opt for other menu items or to eat these in moderation. Customers can choose to customize their quesadillas by requesting less sauce or by choosing vegetarian or vegan options. Overall, it's essential to balance fast food consumption with a healthy and balanced diet to maintain optimal health.

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