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how many calories in doughnut holes

how many calories in doughnut holes

When it comes to your diet, it's essential to pay attention to the amount of calories you consume. It's especially important to understand the calorie count of your favorite snacks, like doughnut holes. But just how many calories are we talking about?

The answer is not that black and white. The calorie count of doughnut holes varies depending on various factors such as the size, type of doughnut, and toppings used. On average, a single glazed doughnut hole can contain around 60 to 90 calories.

While the occasional indulgence of a sugary snack is not bad, it's crucial to consume such snacks in moderation. Understanding the calorie count can help you keep track of your intake and avoid overindulging.

For example, if you're on a diet that allows a specific number of calories per day, having two or three doughnut holes with your morning coffee can quickly bump up your calorie count for the day, potentially impeding your weight loss goals.

Being aware of the number of calories in your food can also help you make healthier choices. For instance, instead of opting for traditional glazed or frosted doughnut holes, you might consider selecting mini pumpkin cake doughnut holes, which pack fewer calories.

Knowing the calorie count of your favorite snacks like doughnut holes can go a long way in helping you maintain a healthy diet. So, if you're looking to lose weight, watch your calories, and consider alternate, healthier snack options.

What are doughnut holes?

Have you ever eaten a doughnut? Then, you probably know about the small, round pastries known as doughnut holes. They are miniature versions of the classic ring-shaped doughnut and often come in a variety of flavors and toppings.

Typically, doughnut holes are made from the same batter as regular doughnuts, which includes ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and yeast. Once the dough is mixed, it is formed into small balls and deep-fried until golden brown. This cooking process gives the doughnut holes their distinct crispy exterior and soft, fluffy interior.

Usually, doughnut holes are served in a box or bag, making them an easy and convenient snack to enjoy on the go. Children and adults alike love these bite-sized treats, and they are often a popular choice at parties, social gatherings, or as desserts.

Although doughnut holes are small in size, they do pack a significant caloric punch. The number of calories in each doughnut hole varies depending on different factors, such as the size, ingredients, and toppings.

How many calories are in a doughnut hole?

The number of calories in a doughnut hole can range from approximately 50 to 100 calories per piece, depending on its size and ingredients. For instance, plain glazed doughnut holes typically contain around 60 to 70 calories and 3 to 4 grams of fat per piece. Meanwhile, chocolate-covered doughnut holes can contain up to 100 calories and 6 grams of fat per piece.

It is essential to note that the serving size of doughnut holes can vary from brand to brand and bakery to bakery. Moreover, toppings like sprinkles, glazes, or fillings can add additional calories to each doughnut hole. For instance, a jelly-filled doughnut hole may contain approximately 85 calories and 4 grams of fat per piece.

It is crucial to keep in mind that doughnuts don't provide much nutritional substance, contributing mostly empty calories to your diet. Eating these pastries regularly can lead to weight gain and other health problems, such as high cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended to enjoy doughnut holes in moderation and balance them out with healthier foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

The Bottom Line

Overall, doughnut holes are a delicious and popular snack that can be enjoyed in moderation. They can provide a quick source of energy and a sweet treat when you need a pick-me-up. However, it is essential to be mindful of the number of calories and nutrients that doughnut holes contain and balance them out with healthy foods. With careful consideration, you can indulge in your love for doughnut holes without compromising your health and wellness.

How size affects the number of calories in doughnut holes

When it comes to doughnut holes, size matters. The larger the doughnut hole, the more calories it will contain. This is because a larger size means more dough and more dough means more calories. On average, a small doughnut hole with a diameter of one inch will contain approximately 60-70 calories. A larger size with a diameter of two inches will contain roughly 120-140 calories!

It's important to pay attention to serving sizes when indulging in these sweet treats. While one small doughnut hole may not seem like much, a handful of larger ones can quickly add up in calories

How ingredients can add to the calorie count in doughnut holes

Along with size, the ingredients used to make doughnut holes also play a significant role in the calorie count. Traditional doughnut holes are made from a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, and butter, creating a base calorie count of around 60-70 calories per doughnut hole.

However, ingredients such as chocolate chips, icing, and flavored glazes can increase the calorie count significantly. For example, a doughnut hole with chocolate chips and icing can contain as many as 200-250 calories per serving. This means that even a small serving of three doughnut holes can add up to nearly 750 calories!

It's important to consider the ingredients used when choosing doughnut holes as a treat. Opting for plain doughnut holes or ones with minimal toppings can significantly decrease the calorie count.

How to enjoy doughnut holes while managing calorie intake

While doughnut holes may not be the healthiest treat option, there are ways to enjoy them while still keeping calorie intake under control. One way is to limit portion sizes. Instead of indulging in a handful of large doughnut holes, stick to a small serving of one or two small doughnut holes.

Another way is to try making homemade doughnut holes using healthier ingredients. Substitute flour for whole wheat flour, and sugar for natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup. This can significantly decrease the calorie count while still allowing for a sweet treat.

Lastly, try pairing doughnut holes with a healthy snack option. For example, enjoy a small serving of doughnut holes alongside fresh fruit or yogurt. This can help to balance out the calorie count while still enjoying a tasty treat.

In conclusion, the number of calories in doughnut holes varies greatly depending on size and ingredients used. While indulging in this sweet treat, it's important to pay attention to serving sizes and choose healthier options to manage calorie intake.

Calories in Doughnut Holes

If you've ever wondered how many calories are in doughnut holes, you're not alone. Doughnut holes are a widely popular snack that are often considered a sweet treat. However, they are not as innocent as they seem. These small bites are high in calories and have a number of nutritional drawbacks.

On average, one doughnut hole contains around 52 calories. This may not seem like much, but it can add up quickly if you eat more than one. Depending on the size of the doughnut holes, the number of calories can vary. In general, the larger the doughnut hole, the more calories it will have.

The calorie count isn't the only problem with doughnut holes. They are also high in sugar and fat, which can be a recipe for disaster if you're trying to eat healthy. One doughnut hole can contain up to 6 grams of sugar, which is around 1.5 teaspoons. That may not sound like a lot, but it can add up if you eat several doughnut holes at once. Sugar is not only bad for your waistline, but it can also contribute to a number of health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

The fat content in doughnut holes is also a concern. Most of the calories in a doughnut hole come from fat. Depending on the type of doughnut, the fat content can range from 2 to 5 grams per serving. Eating too much fat can lead to weight gain and other health issues like high cholesterol and heart disease.

Sugar Content in Doughnut Holes

As we mentioned earlier, sugar is a major concern when it comes to doughnut holes. These little bites of heaven may be delicious, but they are often full of added sugars that can wreak havoc on your health. In addition to causing weight gain, sugar can also increase your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.

One doughnut hole can contain up to 6 grams of sugar, which is almost 2 teaspoons. That may not seem like a lot, but it can add up quickly if you eat several doughnut holes. If you're concerned about your sugar intake, it's best to avoid doughnut holes altogether or at least limit your consumption.

Fat Content in Doughnut Holes

The fat content in doughnut holes is another concern. Most of the calories in a doughnut hole come from fat. Depending on the type of doughnut, the fat content can range from 2 to 5 grams per serving. Eating too much fat can lead to weight gain and other health issues like high cholesterol and heart disease.

If you're concerned about your fat intake, it's best to avoid doughnut holes altogether or at least limit your consumption. You can also look for healthier alternatives like baked doughnut holes instead of fried ones. Baked doughnuts are typically lower in fat and calories, but still have that same delicious flavor that you know and love.

In conclusion, doughnut holes may be a tasty treat, but they come with a number of nutritional drawbacks. They are high in calories, sugar and fat, and low in nutrients like fiber, protein, and vitamins. If you're looking to improve your health, it's best to avoid doughnut holes altogether or limit your consumption as much as possible.

Ways to reduce calorie intake

Who doesn't love a good doughnut hole? These tiny, bite-sized treats are perfect for satisfying that sweet tooth craving, but they can also add up in calories quickly. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can reduce the number of calories in your doughnut holes while still indulging in this decadent treat.

Bake instead of fry

Most doughnut holes are deep-fried in oil, which can add a lot of extra calories. If you're looking to cut back on calories, try baking your doughnut holes instead. Baked doughnut holes will have a slightly different texture than fried ones, but they can still be just as tasty. To bake your doughnut holes, preheat your oven to 375°F. Lightly grease a baking sheet and place your doughnut holes on it. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the doughnut holes are golden brown.

Use healthier ingredients

Another way to reduce calories in your doughnut holes is to use healthier ingredients. For example, you can swap out some of the butter in your recipe with applesauce or Greek yogurt. You can also use whole wheat flour instead of white flour to add more fiber to your doughnut holes. Finally, you can try using a sugar substitute like Stevia or Splenda instead of regular sugar.

Limit your portion sizes

Finally, one of the easiest ways to reduce calories in your doughnut holes is to limit your portion sizes. Instead of eating a whole handful of doughnut holes, try to stick to one or two. You can also try cutting your doughnut holes in half to make them look like you're eating more.

Substitute ingredients

One more way to make your doughnut holes less caloric is to substitute different ingredients. For example, you can swap out the regular flour for almond flour, which is lower in carbs and higher in protein. Another option is to substitute sugar with monk fruit sweetener, which is a zero-calorie, all-natural sweetener. You can also use healthier fats, such as coconut oil, instead of butter.

In summary, if you're looking to enjoy doughnut holes without consuming too many calories, you can try baking them instead of frying, using healthier ingredients, or limiting your portion sizes. With a little bit of creativity and some simple substitutions, you can still enjoy this treat without feeling guilty.


Doughnut holes are a popular snack loved by many. They are bite-sized, easy to grab, and perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. However, for those watching their weight, one important question arises: how many calories are in doughnut holes? In this article, we will answer that question and explore the different factors that contribute to the calorie count of doughnut holes.

The Basics of Doughnut Holes

Doughnut holes are made from the same dough as regular doughnuts, but they are much smaller. They are typically formed into small balls and fried in hot oil until they are golden brown. After being fried, they may be coated in sugar, glaze, or other toppings to add flavor.

The Calorie Count of Doughnut Holes

The calorie count of doughnut holes can vary based on several factors, including their size, toppings, and preparation methods. On average, a plain doughnut hole contains about 70-90 calories. However, if you add toppings like glaze or powdered sugar, the calorie count can increase significantly. Some doughnut holes can contain up to 200 calories or more when topped with sugary coatings or filled with cream or other sweet fillings.

The size of the doughnut holes can also influence the calorie count. Smaller doughnut holes will have fewer calories than larger ones, so it's important to be mindful of the serving size. As a general rule, one serving of doughnut holes should contain no more than three or four pieces.

Factors That Affect Doughnut Hole Calories

As mentioned, the calorie count of doughnut holes can vary based on different factors. Some of the main factors that affect doughnut hole calories include:

Type of Dough

Different types of dough will have different calorie counts. For example, a doughnut hole made from cake batter will have more calories than one made from yeast dough. This is because cake batter typically contains more butter and sugar, which adds calories.

Toppings and Fillings

The toppings and fillings that are added to the doughnut holes can impact the calorie count significantly. Toppings like glaze, chocolate, and sprinkles can add a lot of calories, as can fillings like cream and fruit jelly.

Preparation Method

The preparation method can also affect the calorie count of doughnut holes. If they are fried in oil, they will be higher in calories than if they are baked in an oven. Similarly, doughnuts that are cooked in trans fats will have higher calories than those cooked in healthier oils like canola or vegetable oil.


Size also plays a significant role in calorie count. A doughnut hole that is smaller in size will have fewer calories than a larger one. It's important to monitor your serving size to ensure you're not consuming too many calories.


Doughnut holes are a delicious treat that can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. While they are high in calories, there are ways to reduce the calorie count, such as choosing healthier toppings, opting for smaller sizes, and utilizing healthier preparation methods. By being mindful of your portion sizes and choosing healthier variations, you can indulge in this sweet treat without going overboard on calories.

FAQ and Conclusions

Are you a fan of doughnut holes but always wonder how many calories you are consuming? We have gathered some common questions people ask about the calorie content in doughnut holes and have provided answers to help you understand what you are consuming.


1. How many calories in a glazed doughnut hole?

A glazed doughnut hole typically contains around 64 calories.

2. How many calories in a chocolate glazed doughnut hole?

A chocolate glazed doughnut hole has about 77 calories.

3. How many calories in a powdered sugar doughnut hole?

A single powdered sugar doughnut hole contains approximately 93 calories.

4. How many calories in a cinnamon sugar doughnut hole?

A cinnamon sugar doughnut hole contains around 77 calories.

5. How many calories in a plain doughnut hole?

A plain doughnut hole has about 50 to 55 calories.

6. Are doughnut holes better for you than regular doughnuts?

No. Doughnut holes and regular doughnuts are made from the same ingredients and have similar calorie counts per serving. However, smaller portions may be better for portion control.

7. What can I substitute for doughnut holes if I want a similar snack with fewer calories?

Fruit, nuts, and seeds are excellent low calorie options for snacking, while rice cakes or popcorn can also satisfy your craving for something salty.

8. How can I burn the calories from eating a doughnut hole?

You can burn calories by increasing your physical activity. A 30-minute moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, can burn approximately 150-200 calories.

9. How many doughnut holes can I eat in a day?

This will depend on your daily recommended calorie intake and how many calories you have already consumed in a day. Generally, it is best to limit your intake to one or two doughnut holes to stay within your daily allotment of calories.

10. Are there any low-calorie doughnut hole options?

Some bakeries and brands offer low-calorie doughnut hole options that use alternative ingredients such as whole wheat flour, sugar substitutes, or baked instead of fried. However, these options are still relatively high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.


Doughnut holes are a sweet and delicious treat, but they are high in calories. It is essential to be mindful and monitor your intake of doughnut holes and other sweet and indulgent snacks. To maintain a healthy diet, it's important to balance your caloric intake with physical activity to stay healthy and active.

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