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"Calorie Breakdown: Little Caesars Hot and Ready Pizza"

little caesars hot and ready calories

Have you ever wondered about the calorie content of your favorite comfort food? If you are one of the millions of people who frequent Little Caesars for its Hot and Ready pizza, you may be curious about how many calories you are consuming per slice.

The good news is that Little Caesars has made it easy to determine how many calories you are consuming in each slice of pizza. The company provides detailed nutritional information on its website, allowing customers to make informed decisions about their food choices.

Each slice of a Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizza typically contains between 220-280 calories, depending on the toppings. While this may seem like a lot, it is important to remember that pizza can be a nutritious meal when eaten in moderation and paired with healthy side dishes like salad or vegetables.

Furthermore, Little Caesars offers a variety of options for those who want to reduce their calorie intake, such as the Thin Crust Veggie Pizza, which contains only 180 calories per slice.

By providing customers with detailed nutrition information and calorie-conscious options, Little Caesars helps us to make healthier choices when indulging in our favorite comfort foods. So go ahead and enjoy that Hot and Ready pizza guilt-free!


Little Caesars is a popular pizza chain that has been around for over 60 years. Their Hot and Ready pizzas are famous for being available for immediate pickup. With the convenience of a quick and easy meal, it's no wonder that many people choose to grab a Little Caesars pizza instead of cooking at home.

However, it's important to consider the nutritional value of these pizzas, especially if you're trying to maintain a healthy diet. While they may be delicious and satisfying, they're also often high in calories, fat, and sodium. By understanding the nutritional content of Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizzas, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to make it a part of your diet.

The Caloric Content of Hot and Ready Pizzas

It's important to note that the number of calories in a Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizza can vary depending on the size, toppings, and crust options. According to the company's website, a slice of a 14-inch pepperoni pizza contains 280 calories. The same size pizza with just cheese has 250 calories per slice. If you were to eat the entire pizza, you'd be consuming 1680 calories for pepperoni and 1500 calories for cheese alone.

Other popular toppings, such as sausage, bacon, and extra cheese, can quickly add up the calories. For example, a slice of 14-inch pizza with sausage and pepperoni has 330 calories per slice, while a slice with extra cheese has 320 calories. If you add bacon to the mix, it increases to 350 calories per slice.

It's also important to keep in mind that the crust can also make a difference in caloric content. Little Caesars' classic crust has 120 calories per slice, while thin crust has around 100 calories per slice. The Deep! Deep! Dish crust has the most calories at 300 per slice.

The Fat Content of Little Caesars Pizzas

While caloric content is essential, it's also important to consider the fat content of the pizza. The same 14-inch pepperoni pizza contains 12 grams of fat per slice, while the same size cheese pizza contains 11 grams per slice. Toppings such as sausage, bacon, and extra cheese will also increase the fat content.

Saturated fat, which can lead to high cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart disease, is also present in these pizzas. Little Caesars Pepperoni pizza contains 5 grams of saturated fat per slice, while the cheese pizza has 4 grams per slide. Adding extra cheese or meat toppings increases the saturated fat content, making it a less healthy option.

The Sodium Content of Little Caesars Pizzas

Salt or sodium is essential for regulating bodily functions, but it can also cause health problems when consumed in excess. Little Caesars pizzas, especially those with meat toppings, can be high in sodium. A 14-inch pepperoni pizza contains 740 milligrams of sodium per slice, while a cheese pizza has 710 milligrams per slice. A two-slice meal of either pizza can easily exceed the daily recommended sodium intake.


Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizzas are a convenient and satisfying meal option. However, it's important to remember that they can be high in calories, fat, and sodium. Understanding the nutritional values of these pizzas can help you make informed decisions about your diet and prevent potential health problems.

If you're looking to enjoy pizza in moderation, it's best to stick with the classic cheese or vegetable toppings and be mindful of how many slices you're consuming. You can also opt for a thin crust pizza to reduce the calories and fat content.

What is Hot and Ready Pizza?

Hot and Ready Pizza is a type of pizza that is baked fresh and ready for customers to pick up at any Little Caesars location. It is a great option for anyone looking for a quick and affordable meal or snack. The hot and ready pizzas are available in different varieties, including cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian, meat lovers, and more.

Cheese pizza is the most basic type of pizza available at Little Caesars. It is made with a blend of mozzarella and Muenster cheese on top of a classic crust. Pepperoni pizza is a classic favourite and contains pepperoni slices in addition to the cheese and crust. Meat lovers pizza contains pepperoni, sausage, and bacon. If you're looking for a sweeter option, you might love the Hawaiian pizza, which contains pineapple and ham.

Little Caesars uses fresh ingredients, including tomato sauce made from California vine-ripened tomatoes, real cheese made from mozzarella and Muenster, and a delicious crust made fresh daily in-store. The dough is prepared using flour, yeast, sugar, and salt, mixed until smooth, and then left to rise for several hours. The crust is then hand-stretched and baked in the oven until it turns golden brown. The toppings are added after the crust is baked to ensure maximum freshness.

In terms of calories, the Hot and Ready pizzas may not be the healthiest option available, but they are certainly a tasty treat. A slice of pepperoni pizza contains approximately 280 calories, cheese pizza contains around 250 calories per slice, and meat lovers pizza has around 370 calories per slice. However, the serving size is pretty large, meaning you can easily share a pizza with someone or take a few slices home for later.

Hot and Ready Pizza is a convenient and delicious option for anyone who is looking for a quick meal or snack. With a variety of options available, you are sure to find a pizza that will satisfy your cravings. Whether you're a meat lover, cheese lover or vegetarian, Little Caesars has something for everyone.

Calories in Little Caesars' Hot and Ready Pizzas

Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas are popular for a quick and easy meal option. However, as with any fast food, nutritional value is often a concern. The caloric content of Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas varies depending on the type of pizza and the toppings added. For example, a slice of pepperoni pizza has 280 calories, while a slice of sausage pizza has 320 calories. A personal-sized pepperoni pizza has 840 calories, while a personal-sized sausage pizza has 960 calories.

It's important to note that most of the calories in Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas come from the crust and cheese. Therefore, choosing a pizza with thin crust and fewer toppings can help reduce the number of calories consumed.

Furthermore, it's worth considering the serving size, as each pizza is divided into eight slices. It's easy to consume too many slices without realizing it, leading to a higher calorie intake than anticipated.

For those who are watching their caloric intake, Little Caesars offers a "Pizza Portal" on their website for customers to customize and calculate nutritional values. It's a helpful tool to ensure that one is informed about the nutritional value of their pizza choices.

Fat Content of Little Caesars' Hot and Ready Pizzas

The fat content of Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas is another important aspect to consider. The majority of the fat in the pizzas comes from the cheese and crust. For instance, a slice of pepperoni pizza has 13 grams of fat, while a slice of sausage pizza has 15 grams of fat. A personal-sized pepperoni pizza has 39 grams of fat, while a personal-sized sausage pizza has 43 grams of fat.

However, Little Caesars does offer a "Thin Crust" option for all of their pizzas, which can help to reduce the fat content. Additionally, choosing toppings that are lower in fat, such as vegetables instead of meats, can also help to reduce the overall fat intake of the pizza.

It's important to note that while consuming a high-fat diet is not ideal, consuming some healthy fats is necessary for a balanced diet. One should try to pair their pizza with a side salad or another healthy option to balance out their meal.

Sodium Content of Little Caesars' Hot and Ready Pizzas

The sodium content of Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas is also a concern for many. The sodium in pizza comes from the crust, cheese, and toppings. A slice of pepperoni pizza has 570 milligrams of sodium, while a slice of sausage pizza has 640 milligrams of sodium. A personal-sized pepperoni pizza has 1710 milligrams of sodium, while a personal-sized sausage pizza has 1920 milligrams of sodium.

As with calories and fat, choosing a pizza with fewer toppings and a thin crust can help to reduce the sodium content. Additionally, pairing the pizza with a low-sodium side dish, such as a green salad or steamed vegetables, can help to balance out the meal.

In conclusion, while Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas offer a quick and easy meal option, they are not without their nutritional concerns. It's important to be aware of the caloric, fat, and sodium content, as well as the serving size, when consuming this type of fast food. Taking steps to balance out the meal with healthy options can help to reduce the negative impact of consuming a high-calorie, high-fat, and high-sodium food like pizza.

Breaking Down the Calories

Are you a fan of Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizzas but concerned about your caloric intake? Let's take a detailed look at the calories contained in these delicious pizzas, so you can make informed decisions about your food choices. We will dive into the number of calories per slice, total calories for different pizza sizes, and how they compare to other popular fast food options.

Calories per Slice

Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizzas come in four classic flavors: Cheese, Pepperoni, Sausage, and Hula Hawaiian. A single slice of cheese pizza contains 170 calories, while a pepperoni slice has 220 calories per serving. Sausage pizza lovers will consume 240 calories per slice, and a slice of Hula Hawaiian pizza has approximately 190 calories. Keep in mind that these are just the base calories for one slice, so if you're eating more than one slice, the calorie count increases accordingly.

Total Calories for Different Pizza Sizes

If you decide to indulge in a full pizza, the calorie count can add up quite quickly. A whole Little Caesars Hot and Ready Cheese pizza contains 1160 calories in total, while a Pepperoni pizza has 1480 calories. The Sausage pizza has the highest calorie count of all, with 1600 calories for a full pizza. The Hula Hawaiian comes in last at 1330 calories in one whole pizza. Consider splitting a pizza with friends or family to reduce your caloric intake.

Comparison to Other Fast Food Options

When it comes to fast food options, Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizzas are relatively low in calories compared to other popular choices. For instance, a Medium fries from McDonald's contains 340 calories, while a Burger King Whopper with Cheese has a whopping 780 calories. A standard order of KFC's Original Recipe Chicken has 1270 calories. In comparison, even a full Little Caesars Sausage pizza on its own has fewer calories. Keep this in mind the next time you're looking for a delicious and satisfying fast food meal.

Other Nutritional Info

Aside from calories, Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizzas also contain other nutritional information that you should be aware of. For example, a single slice of cheese pizza contains 8 grams of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrates, and 7 grams of protein. A Pepperoni pizza slice has 10 grams of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrates, and 8 grams of protein. The Sausage pizza has 12 grams of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrates, and 9 grams of protein, while a Hula Hawaiian pizza slice has 9 grams of fat, 19 grams of carbohydrates, and 8 grams of protein.

In Conclusion

Little Caesars Hot and Ready pizzas can certainly be a delicious and satisfying meal option, but it's important to be mindful of your caloric intake. Be aware of the number of calories per slice and for each pizza size, and compare it to other fast food options so that you can make informed decisions. As with any food, enjoying it in moderation can help you maintain a healthy and balanced diet.


Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas are a popular fast food option known for their affordability and convenience. However, as with most fast foods, they are generally not the healthiest option out there. It is important to keep track of the nutritional values of the food we eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this article, we have looked at the nutritional values of the different types of Hot and Ready pizzas offered by Little Caesars and also provided some tips on how to make healthier choices when ordering pizza.

The Nutritional Values of Little Caesars' Hot and Ready Pizzas

A standard Hot and Ready pepperoni pizza from Little Caesars is divided into 8 slices with each slice containing approximately 280 calories. The pizza also contains around 12g of fat per slice. It is worth noting that the nutritional content may vary depending on the toppings and type of crust. Other Hot and Ready options like the Cheese, Hula Hawaiian, and 3 Meat Treat have similar nutritional values.

Little Caesars' Hot-N-Ready Crazy Bread® is another favorite among customers. It contains around 370 calories per serving (2 pieces) which also contains 14g of fat. The calories and fat content of some popular side dishes like Crazy Sauce®, Italian Cheese Bread, and Buffalo Wings are much higher, with some containing up to 500 calories per serving.

While Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas have relatively high calorie content, they also contain essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and calcium. However, it is important to consider the overall nutritional value of the food we eat and balance it with other healthy choices like fruits and vegetables.

How to Make Healthier Choices When Ordering Pizza

While it may be difficult to resist the temptation of a delicious, cheesy slice of pizza, there are ways to make healthier choices when ordering from Little Caesars. One option is to choose a thin crust pizza or request less cheese and toppings. This can help to reduce the calorie and fat contents of the pizza.

Another option is to add more vegetables as toppings as they are lower in calories than meats like pepperoni and sausage. Vegetables like mushrooms, onions, peppers, and spinach are popular pizza toppings that can boost the nutritional value of the pizza. Additionally, choosing healthier side dishes like a salad or a fruit cup instead of bread or wings can also aid in making healthier choices.

It is also important to monitor portion sizes and avoid consuming too much pizza in one sitting. It can be helpful to divide the pizza into several smaller portions and store in separate containers or freeze the extra portions for later.

In conclusion, Little Caesars' Hot and Ready pizzas are a convenient and affordable fast food option. However, they come with high calorie and fat contents which call for caution to be exercised while making choices. By implementing the above tips, we can enjoy the tasty indulgence of pizza while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

FAQ and Conclusions


1. What is the calorie count of a Little Caesars hot and ready pepperoni pizza?- A slice of pepperoni hot and ready pizza contains approximately 280 calories.2. How many calories are in a little Caesars hot and ready cheese pizza?- A slice of cheese hot and ready pizza contains around 250 calories.3. How much is a little Caesars hot and ready pizza?- A hot and ready pizza from Little Caesars is priced at around $5.4. Can you customize a hot and ready pizza from Little Caesars?- Yes, you can customize your hot and ready pizza with additional toppings for a nominal charge.5. How long does a hot and ready pizza last?- A hot and ready pizza is recommended to be consumed immediately or within the next 30 minutes for best taste and quality.6. Do hot and ready pizzas come in different sizes?- No, hot and ready pizzas are only available in one size, which is a large 14-inch pizza.7. Does Little Caesars have vegan options for hot and ready pizzas?- Yes, Little Caesars offers a vegan hot and ready pizza that is made with dairy-free cheese and vegetable toppings.8. How many slices are in a hot and ready pizza from Little Caesars?- A hot and ready pizza is cut into 8 slices.9. Do Little Caesars hot and ready pizzas have preservatives?- Little Caesars hot and ready pizzas do not contain any added preservatives.10. Can you order a hot and ready pizza online for pickup?- Yes, you can order a hot and ready pizza online for pickup through the Little Caesars website or mobile app.


In conclusion, Little Caesars hot and ready pizzas are an affordable and convenient option for pizza lovers. While the calorie count may vary depending on the toppings, a slice of pepperoni hot and ready pizza contains around 280 calories, and a cheese hot and ready pizza contains around 250 calories. Customization is available for those who want additional toppings for a nominal charge. It is recommended to consume hot and ready pizzas immediately or within 30 minutes for best taste and quality. Little Caesars also offers vegan options for those who prefer dairy-free cheese and vegetable toppings. Hot and ready pizzas are only available in one size of a large 14-inch pizza, which is cut into 8 slices. The pizzas do not contain any added preservatives, making them a better option compared to other fast-food chains. Customers can order a hot and ready pizza online for pickup through the Little Caesars website or mobile app. Overall, Little Caesars hot and ready pizzas are a great option for those who are looking for a quick and affordable meal without compromising on taste and quality.

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