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calories in an iced coffee from dunkin donuts

"Counting the Calories: Analyzing the Nutritional Content of Dunkin Donuts' Iced Coffee"

Calories in an Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts

Are you a fan of iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts? You might want to think twice before taking a big gulp of that sweet, refreshing drink. Why? Because a single cup of iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains a significant amount of calories that can impact your diet and overall health.

So, how many calories are in an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts? Well, it depends on the size and whether or not you add any cream or sugar. On average, a small iced coffee (with cream and sugar) from Dunkin Donuts contains about 150 calories. A medium size, on the other hand, contains around 255 calories, while a large size contains up to 400 calories!

It's important to keep in mind that consuming too many calories can lead to weight gain and other health issues. However, with moderation, you can still enjoy an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts without compromising your health goals. You can choose to skip the cream and sugar or simply opt for a smaller size.

In summary, being mindful of the calories in an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts can help you make healthier decisions when indulging in your favorite coffee drink. By choosing wisely, you can still enjoy the refreshing taste of Dunkin Donuts iced coffee while maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.


Are you a fan of iced coffee and often find yourself ordering one from Dunkin Donuts? As much as we enjoy the refreshing taste and energy boost that iced coffee provides, it is important to be mindful of its calorie count. In this article, we'll break down the calories in an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts and explain why it's important to know this information.

For those who might be unfamiliar, an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts is a cold brewed coffee that is served over ice. Customers can choose to customize their drink with various flavors, sweeteners, and types of milk. It's a popular beverage choice for those looking for a quick pick-me-up or a refreshing drink on a hot day. However, what many people may not realize is that these customizable options can greatly impact the calorie count of the drink.

The importance of knowing the calorie count of an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts cannot be overstated. With the increasing awareness of the impact of health and wellness on our overall quality of life, being mindful of what we consume is more important than ever. Whether you're trying to maintain a balanced diet, lose weight, or simply make healthier choices, understanding the calorie content of your favorite beverages is a crucial part of achieving your goals.

Furthermore, understanding the calorie count of specific drinks from popular coffee chains is also a great way to make informed choices when you're on-the-go. With busy work schedules and lifestyles, it's easier to grab a quick coffee fix from a chain like Dunkin Donuts. By knowing the calorie count of your preferred drink choice, you can make adjustments to your overall diet to account for these indulgences.

Overall, the calorie count of an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts is an important aspect to consider when making dietary decisions. In the following sections, we will dive deeper into the calorie content of specific iced coffee drinks from Dunkin Donuts and discuss how to make healthier choices by customizing your beverage.

Calories in a Small Iced Coffee

If you're an avid coffee drinker or just need a pick-me-up in the morning, you might have tried Dunkin Donuts' iced coffee before. But have you ever wondered how many calories are in a Small Iced Coffee from there? Let's break it down.

First, let's start with the basics. A Small Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts comes in a 16 fl oz cup and is made up of coffee, ice, and any additives you choose to include. The standard additives included in this calculation are sugar and cream, assuming you add one of each.

So how many calories does a Small Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts contain? The answer is 120 calories. That might not seem like a lot, but it's important to keep in mind that this is just for a Small size - if you order a medium or large, the calorie count goes up. But let's break down the 120 calories in a Small Iced Coffee even further.

The coffee itself contains zero calories. It's the cream and sugar that are the main culprits here. One packet of sugar contains 15 calories, and one ounce of cream contains around 50 calories. So if you add one packet of sugar and one ounce of cream to your Small Iced Coffee, you're looking at a total of 120 calories.

But what if you want to customize your Small Iced Coffee? Dunkin Donuts offers a variety of flavors and additives, and they all come with differing calorie counts. For example, if you add a flavored swirl (like vanilla or hazelnut), that can add an additional 50-60 calories. If you opt for skim milk instead of cream, you'll only add around 10 calories.

It's also worth noting that Dunkin Donuts offers a variety of "light" options for their Small Iced Coffees, which include fewer calories and less sugar. For example, their Blueberry Crisp flavor has just 30 calories and 5 grams of sugar.

So why does calorie count matter when it comes to your coffee order? Well, if you're trying to watch your weight or maintain a healthy diet, it's important to keep track of how many calories you're consuming. Drinking a Small Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts every day might not seem like a big deal, but over time those calories can add up.

The good news is that there are ways to enjoy your favorite Dunkin Donuts iced coffee while still maintaining a healthy diet. For example, you could opt for a Small Iced Coffee with skim milk and no sugar. Or, if you do want to indulge in a flavored swirl, consider getting a smaller size (like a Small or even an X-Small) to keep the calorie count lower.

All in all, a Small Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains 120 calories. While that might not seem like a lot, it's important to keep in mind that this is just for a Small size - larger sizes and added flavors can quickly increase the calorie count. By being mindful of what you add to your coffee and opting for lighter options when possible, you can still enjoy your favorite Dunkin Donuts iced coffee without sacrificing your health goals.

Calories in a Medium Iced Coffee

If you are craving for a refreshing drink on a hot summer day, you may be tempted to stop by at Dunkin Donuts for a cold iced coffee. The coffee chain offers a variety of iced coffee flavors that are perfect for quenching your thirst, but do you know how many calories are in a medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts?

A medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts is 24 fluid ounces in size. The calorie content of a medium iced coffee depends on the type of coffee and the additions you put into it. Without any added sugar or cream, a medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains only 10 calories. This makes it a perfect drink if you're trying to watch your calorie intake, as many other cold drinks on the menu can contain much more calories.

However, most people don't drink their coffee black. If you like to sweeten your coffee, one medium sugar packet adds 20 calories. Cream also adds calories to your coffee, and one tablespoon of cream adds 20 calories. So if you add sugar and cream to your coffee, each medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts can contain up to 140 calories. If you add more sugar or cream, then the calorie count can go even higher.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Dunkin Donuts offers a variety of flavored syrups for their iced coffee. These flavored syrups add extra calories to your coffee. For example, adding one pump of caramel syrup to your medium iced coffee adds 50 calories, while one pump of mocha syrup adds 60 calories. Adding whipped cream on top of your iced coffee can add 70 calories to your drink. So, adding too many extras to your drink can make it more indulgent and calorie-dense.

In conclusion, a medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains only 10 calories if you drink it black. However, if you add sugar, cream, or flavored syrup to your coffee, the calorie count can go up quickly. So if you want to enjoy your iced coffee without packing on the extra calories, try to keep your additions to a minimum. If you like a sweet and creamy iced coffee, you can opt for sugar-free syrup and almond milk instead of sugar and cream to reduce the calorie count.

Calories in a Large Iced Coffee

Dunkin Donuts has become a staple for many coffee lovers across the United States, including their iced coffee. However, it's important to know the amount of calories that are in your beverage of choice. A large iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts with cream and sugar can be a calorie bomb that can easily surpass your daily calorie limit. So, let's breakdown the number of calories in a large iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

Size Matters

The large size at Dunkin Donuts is the biggest size you can purchase for their iced coffee. A large iced coffee with cream and sugar from Dunkin Donuts typically contains 290 calories. However, if you add in extra flavors such as mocha or caramel, the calories can quickly add up. A medium iced coffee with the same additions can tally up to 360 calories, while a small iced coffee can still have as much as 170 calories.

Black Coffee vs. Cream and Sugar

For those who are looking for lower calorie options, black coffee is your best bet. A large iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts without any additions contains only 10 calories. However, some people prefer the taste of iced coffee with added cream and sugar. If that's the case, you can ask for skim milk instead of cream, which can provide you with a lower amount of calories. Additionally, you can also request less sugar than what Dunkin Donuts usually adds.

Alternatives to Cream and Sugar

If you're looking for a lower calorie alternative to cream and sugar, there are a few options to choose from at Dunkin Donuts. For example, you can ask for almond milk instead of cream. Almond milk has fewer calories and is a non-dairy option that is also great for those who are lactose intolerant. Moreover, if you're looking for a sweeter alternative, you can ask for sugar-free flavor shots. These shots come in flavors such as caramel, hazelnut, and vanilla.

Cut Down on Sugar and Calories

If you're worried about the amount of sugar and calories in iced coffee, there are some steps you can take to cut down on both. The first step would be to limit the amount of cream and sugar you add to your iced coffee. Requesting skim milk and sugar-free flavor shots can also help. Additionally, choosing a smaller size can reduce the number of calories that you consume. Lastly, you can try to drink iced coffee without any additions, which is a great way to enjoy the natural taste of coffee while consuming low-calorie content.

Overall, Dunkin Donuts offers a large variety of options for their iced coffee, ranging from calorie-loaded beverages to lower calorie alternatives that can still satisfy your cravings. It's always important to understand the amount of calories you're consuming in your drinks, so you can make healthier choices.

Ways to Reduce Calorie Count

There's something about iced coffee that makes it the perfect drink for a hot summer day. Whether you're looking for a pick-me-up first thing in the morning or a refreshing beverage to sip on during a break from work, iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts can be a great choice. However, if you're actively watching your calorie intake, this delicious drink can put a dent in your daily allowance. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can reduce its calorie count.

1. Choose Alternative Milk

One of the easiest ways to cut down on calories in an iced coffee is to opt for an alternative milk. Dunkin Donuts offers almond milk, which has significantly fewer calories than regular milk, at no additional cost. A small serving of almond milk in your iced coffee will add a nutty flavor without the added calories. Plus, almond milk contains less fat and sugar compared to regular milk, making it a healthier alternative.

2. Use Sugar Substitutes

Another way to reduce the calorie count in your iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts is to use sugar substitutes instead of regular sugar. Artificial sweeteners like stevia, Splenda, or Equal are excellent sugar substitutes that have zero calories and no carbohydrates. You can add them to your iced coffee to satisfy your sweet tooth without adding any additional calories.

3. Be Mindful of Creams and Syrups

When ordering your iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts, be careful of creams and syrups that can drastically increase the calorie count. You can ask the server to go light on the cream or skip it altogether. Vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut syrup can add a ton of sugar and calories to your iced coffee. Consider having your drink flavored with just a splash of syrup or going without it altogether.

4. Choose a Smaller Size

The drink size also plays a significant role in the number of calories in an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. A large-sized drink will naturally contain more calories than a small-sized drink. Consider choosing a smaller-sized drink and consuming it slowly to make it last longer. This way, you can savor the flavor of your drink while reducing the calorie count.

5. Go for Unsweetened Versions

If you're looking for a no-fuss way to reduce the calorie count in your iced coffee, consider opting for the unsweetened versions. Dunkin Donuts offers unsweetened versions of its iced coffee drinks, which are a healthy option. Unsweetened iced coffee is free from added sugar and calories. You can customize it by adding your preferred alternative milk or natural sweeteners to make it more palatable.

Overall, cutting down on the calorie count in your iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts requires making informed choices. By being mindful of your milk and sugar choices and going for smaller sizes and unsweetened versions, you can savor your iced coffee while staying on track with your fitness goals.


Many of us rely on coffee to keep us going throughout the day. It’s no secret that coffee contains caffeine, which is a natural energy booster. But coffee shops like Dunkin Donuts offer a variety of coffee drinks that are far from just caffeine and can pack in a lot more calories than you may realize. In this article, we will focus on iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts and the calories they contain in different sizes.

What is Iced Coffee?

Iced coffee is a popular beverage that is brewed with hot water, then iced, and served cold. It can be enjoyed plain or with added flavors, sugar, cream, and even whipped cream. It has become a summertime staple and a go-to drink for coffee lovers who want to cool off in the heat.

Calories in Different Sizes of Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts

The number of calories in your iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts will depend on the size of the cup you choose and the added ingredients. Here’s a breakdown of the calorie count in different sizes of iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts:

  • Small (16 oz): A small iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains around 120 calories if you order it black. If you add cream and sugar, the calorie count can go up to 190 calories.
  • Medium (24 oz): A medium iced coffee contains approximately 180 calories without any added flavors. However, if you add cream and sugar, the calorie count can go up to 260 calories.
  • Large (32 oz): A large iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains around 260 calories if you order it black. If you add cream and sugar, the calorie count can go up to 400 calories.
  • Extra Large (48 oz): An extra-large iced coffee contains around 400 calories without any added flavors. If you add cream and sugar, the calorie count can go up to 540 calories.

The Risk of Consuming High-Calorie Iced Coffee Regularly

While a single cup of iced coffee may not seem like a lot of calories, consuming high-calorie iced coffee regularly can lead to weight gain and other health issues. People who regularly consume sugary and high-fat drinks are at an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Moreover, iced coffee drinks that come with whipped cream, syrup, and other toppings can contain as many calories as a full meal.

The Importance of Being Aware of the Calories in Iced Coffee

Being aware of the calories in iced coffee will help you make an informed choice when you’re ordering your favorite drink. If you’re trying to maintain or lose weight, you can opt for a small iced coffee with no added flavors, sugar, or cream. You can also ask for skimmed milk instead of full-fat milk. Moreover, you can add your own artificial sweeteners or use natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup to cut down on calories.


It’s easy to consume a high number of calories without realizing it when you drink iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. The number of calories in your iced coffee will depend on the size cup you choose and the added flavors, sugar, and cream. Consuming high-calorie iced coffee regularly can lead to weight gain and other health issues, so it’s important to be aware of the number of calories in your drink. By choosing a smaller size cup, opting for skimmed milk, and using natural sweeteners, you can still enjoy your favorite iced coffee while keeping the calorie count low.

FAQ and Conclusions

FAQ:Q1. How many calories are in a small iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts?A1. A small iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts has only 10 calories without added sugar or sweeteners.Q2. How many calories are in a medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts?A2. A medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts with cream and sugar has 140 calories while one without any additives has 15 calories only.Q3. How many carbs are in an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts?A3. The carb content of an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts depends on the sweeteners or cream used. A medium iced coffee with cream and sugar has about 27g of carbs.Q4. Is there sugar in Dunkin Donuts iced coffee?A4. Dunkin Donuts iced coffee may have sugar in it depending on what is added to it. Sugar adds calories, and some syrups can contain high amounts of sugar.Q5. Does Dunkin Donuts have sugar-free iced coffee?A5. Yes, Dunkin Donuts has sugar-free iced coffee. They also offer sugar-free syrup options upon request.Q6. How much caffeine is in an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts?A6. A medium iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts with cream has about 210mg of caffeine.Q7. How many calories are in a Dunkin Donuts iced latte?A7. A medium Dunkin Donuts iced latte with whole milk and sugar has about 210 calories.Q8. Can I use almond milk in my Dunkin Donuts iced coffee?A8. Yes, Dunkin Donuts offer almond milk as an alternative to dairy milk.Q9. How many calories are in a Dunkin Donuts iced tea?A9. A medium Dunkin Donuts iced tea without any sweeteners or cream has about 5 calories.Q10. How many calories are in a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with milk?A10. A medium Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with whole milk and sugar has about 210 calories.Conclusions:In conclusion, the calorie content of your Dunkin Donuts iced coffee depends on the sweeteners you choose to add, if any, and the type of milk you select. A plain iced coffee with no additives or sweeteners is a low-calorie option, making it an excellent choice for those who are calorie-conscious. While cream and sugar add to the flavor of the beverage, it also increases the overall calorie and carb count. However, if you must crave some sweetness, opt for sugar-free syrup or natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup to help keep your calorie intake in check.Always remember to check the nutrition label for calorie, sugar, and fat content before ordering any Dunkin Donuts iced coffee to ensure that it suits your dietary requirements. Additionally, you may easily substitute regular milk with plant-based milk options like almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk, to enjoy your low calorie and non-dairy drink.

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